Tag Archive | Attraction

What is Tratak Sadhana? Part 2: The Benefits

Tratak is an advanced technique. Seek the help of a Guru before starting its practise.

This post continues from the prior article on Tratak – click here to read.

The benefits are many

The point of tratak is to ultimately still the mind and use the resulting concentration to access soul power within.

Aside from improved focus, mental acuity and memory, other notable benefits are:

  • Precognition. One may experience such heightened levels of perception that your observation skills border on precognition. IE – you can almost read someone’s thoughts or know what they are about to say before they say it. This occurs because the mind is usually attempting to process more information from your 5 senses continuously than is usually possible. Most of the time it must ‘delete’ the majority of this information flowing in and just focus on the relevant details. With the practice of tratak, one starts to delete less and absorb more.
  • Influence. Your powers of influence improve as you can no only ‘read’ people better, your added awareness and mental acuity give rise to greater levels of confidence. In combination these two factors allow you to improve your oration abilities, stick to the strength of your convictions and therefore much more easily influence others.
  • Siddhis. The advanced practitioner of tratak can reach the stage where their cognitive abilities can access the subtle realms of existence and channel divine power to manifest siddhis (when used in conjunction with mantras); the easiest being clairvoyance, remote vision, psychic communication, etc.
Tratak is generally considered an advanced technique and the help of a Guru should be sought by the serious practitioner.

How to Attract Men: The Aim Mantra


Attract the power of Saraswathi and male company with AIM




None. Aim is a Bija mantra.

Note Aim is pronounced as “Eye-im” compressed into one syllable, not ‘aim’ as per the English word.


Similar mantras to Kleem exist with converse benefits.

The Aim mantra is the bija or Saraswathi. It improves one’s creativity and mental agility. Speech and prowess in the Arts also follow rapidly with this bija.

It is also able to attract male partners to oneself.

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Get Ready, Rama’s Coming! Diwali Mantras

Let the lamps guide Rama to your home

Rama’s homecoming

Diwali occurs on Wednesday 26th October. It signifies Rama’s homecoming and popularly celebrated through the celebration of light and its ability to lead us through the darkness.

Whilst its now a hugely commercialised festival in India and worldwide, it is important to remember it as a powerful time for mantra sadhana.

The mantras for Diwali

The advised method of tapping into the power is to write Rama Nama. Click here for a prior article.

Alternatives include the Vishnu Sahasranama – a stotra (hymn) to Vishnu, extolling Him through his most popular 1,000 names. One may write a treatise on the Vishnu Sahasranama alone, but its power stems from its Divine origin (composed by Veda Vyasa). It was taught to Bhishma, the great  Grandfather of the epic Mahabharata, who revealed it to the world in the presence of Sri Krishna, Avatar of Vishnu. Click here to hear it.

Kick off the Financial New Year with a flying start!

Finally, some Hindus also pray to Lakshmi, the Goddess of Wealth. The reason is that in some calendars, Diwali also coincides with the financial new year. Hence, old accounts are closed and a new year of business begins post Diwali.

Click here for the details of the Shreem Mantra, and click here to read about the Kanagadhara chant of Adi Shankarcharya to Lakshmi.

Follow me on Twitter: @MantraYogi


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Vashikaran Mantras and the Siddhi of Inception (Part 2)

Magnetise your personality to attract friends and influence people through mantra

Ignore the hype, here’s the review

In the first part of the series, we looked at the potential for inception through mantra. You can read the first part by clicking here if you did not have a chance to do so already, or wish to refresh your memory on the debate.

The general conclusion of the post was that having a limited degree of mental control over someone is possible – as clearly demonstrated by the practice of hypnotherapy – but doing so through mantra is highly unlikely, even if you had a ‘genuine’ mantra and attained siddhi (perfected the technique) due to the presence of individuals’ free will.

The Sequel!

A more interesting and plausible idea is that anyone can influence those around them in a positive manner through a personality transformation.

What does this mean? The answer is simple and within everyone’s frame of reference. Haven’t we all met a person in our lives who was so charismatic, who held everyone’s attention perfectly, who spoke beautifully, articulately and intelligently to captivate an audience? I am sure we all know someone like this – be it our favourite school teacher, a great spiritual Master, or great political/military leader. Why can’t we be more like our role models?

A new story: change yourself to change the world

In this regard, the answer is: there is no reason why we cannot. The idea of ‘leading from the front’ – ie by example – is an age-old concept. If you can think of no other, one example is known to all  – the great Mahatma Gandhi, who led India out of British Rule by setting a firm and clear example of non-violent protest through his own actions.

The methods of how we can change ourselves through mantra are outlined below.

Mantra transformation

One can affect a great transformation – spiritual and otherwise through the use of mantra. Chanting certain mantras can have a deep conscious and sub-conscious effect on our psyche to enact incremental positive changes which over time build up and transform us completely.

The transformations considered are: character, speech, mental strength and action. These four concepts are the cornerstones of great personalities.

Here are the mantras to gain such benefits:

    1. Character: Worship Hanuman and Rama to understand and become the ideal personality. Click here to read my prior articles on improving one’s character and another article on writing Rama nama.
    2. Speech: Worship Saraswathy to master the art of articulation – click hear to see a powerful mantra.
    3. Mental Strength: Worship Ganesha and Narasimha to improve mental control and increase determination to achieve anything. Click to see Ganesha’s gayatri mantra and here to see the Narasimha Gayatri.
    4. Action: Thoughts are meaningless within firm action to drive them into reality. Click here to read a post on worshipping Skanda.

Those who are serious and wish to undergo a full effective change in their personalities should attempt at least an anusthan of each mantra to see real differences.

Click here to read the first article in the series on Vashikaran mantras if you missed it.

Follow me on Twitter: @MantraYogi


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Vashikaran Mantras and the Siddhi of Inception (Part 1)

Can Inception be Performed Using Mantras...?

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”, John Lennon

The Concept: Mindbending manipulation!

Most of us have seen the film  INCEPTION the ground-breaking sci-fi thriller. The incredible central concept of the film is that one can implant an idea into a persons mind through careful manipulation of their mental state.

The idea makes for a compelling Hollywood blockbuster, but could ever it be a reality? There are those who practice Tantra who claim that such powers (siddhis) are indeed real and it is possible to manipulate another’s mind if you know the right mantra.

The Science: We use 4% of our brains…

The human mind is a complex and powerful device. It is not even fully understood yet, but science knows that even the most exemplary people use only a small portion of its incredible potential. Estimates put this threshold at 4%.

…mantras maybe engaging the remaining 96%

In this respect, one possible explanation for how mantras work within us – especially in bestowing siddhis – is that reciting certain tones over and over cause new synaptic links to form within the brain, tapping into the other 96% of charted brain matter. This allows a person to function at a supernormal levels of consciousness and manifest siddhis.

The Reality: So can Inception be performed?

Hypnotherapy – the art of drawing a patient into a state of semi-consciousness in which they are highly suggestive – is well known and recognised as a proven method of psychotherapy. Whilst the  vast majority of practitioners help those with mental ailments – such as amnesia or trying to overcome a past traumas – there is also a number who specialise in entertainment. They put on shows in which they hypnotise select volunteers within an audience to perform various humorous acts – and in doing so, exercise control over them.

Putting the two concepts together, it is plausible that some part of the brain may allow one to broadcast a powerful suggestive thought that could influence other minds. 

But wait – the Twist!

There is of course a critical part of the equation that we have not considered so far – individuals’ free will.

It is well known that hypnotherapy does not always work – even on those patients who willingly submit themselves to undergo hypnosis. Why? Because their minds are strong and cannot be easily swayed by external influence.

The Finale: Siddhi is beyond most people…?

Combining individuals strong will with the idea that it takes real dedication to develop siddhi of ANY mantra – let alone those to allow control – means its highly unlikely that the amateur mantra practitioner could ever successfully perform Vashikaran over another. So I implore those who find so-called ‘mind-control’ mantras through the internet, forums, chatrooms and blogs to not waste their time.

However – let me leave you with a ‘spinning top’ – much like in the finale of the film: mind control may be out of reach, but personality transformation certainly is not. Mantras can certainly be used to improve one’s energy, charisma, magnetism, strength of will, physical appearance and even charm. If you want to be able to ‘make friends and influence people’ – shape your personality and let people make up their own minds about you!

Click here to read the second part of this series featuring mantras 


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Get Ahead: Mantras for Investment Banking Professionals

A difficult time

Bankers face a difficult time at the moment. The global economy is under pressure and world is against them!

Banking, in the public’s eyes, has grown into a culture of distrustful, deceitful behaviour based around a never-ending thirst for greed and power. Yet it has also been the backbone of global trade and attracted the best and brightest individuals to strive to better themselves and test their limits. In short we need bankers! But not the negative associations.

This post is not intended to be party to playing the blame game, but will attempt to be part of the solution: to encourage the simultaneous development of character along with ability.

So how can we derive the positive benefits without the negatives?

The solution is surprisingly simple! Pray to Maha Lakshmi!

But isnt Lakshmi the Goddess of Wealth? Surely, bankers are all already rich!

The downturn has undoubtedly highlighted that a culture of excess is prevalent in banking. But wealth should not be equated to just money and greed. The abundance one attracts through the Divine is much greater than just the material kind: Lakshmi is also the Goddess of Virtue and wealth of Character!

More than Money

There are 16 kinds of wealth one can attract through praising the Divine. They are enumerated in a prior post (click here to see it), but they include: Courage and Strength, Morality and Ethics and Higher thinking.

The mantras

The wisdom locked in ancient mantras is relevant even in today’s complex world. Here are a set of mantras that may prove  helpful to banking professionals at a time of great uncertainty and difficulty:

  1. Ganesha Gayatri – click here. For foresight to aid us in understanding the longer term repercussions of our actions than the short term effects.
  2. Lakshmi Gayatri – click here, or simply Shreem. Invoke Lakshmi to grant you the character required to acquire and sustain wealth.
  3. Narayana Gayatri, or simply: Rama. Why praise Vishnu as Narayana or Rama too? In the opening verses of the Vishnu Sahasranama, Vishnu is extolled as the King of Dharma (righteous conduct and behaviour). Such valour and knowledge of what’s right and wrong is a natural complement and pre-requisite to wealth accumulation. In his incarnation as Rama, he established a powerful precedent of how the ideal King (or any person of significant responsibility) should behave – in virtually every test. Understanding this by meditating on the name of Rama is therefore also an excellent method of character development.
This post is the beginning of an ongoing series on Mantras for Professionals. Feel free to contact my team at: swamitwitter@gmail.com or through Twitter to make a request for a specific profession. 

Navaratri 2011: Fill yourself with Divine Inspiration!

Our lives are blocks of marble waiting to be sculpted into perfection...learn how from Saraswathi!

Navaratri Day 7/8

We are now into the final two/three days/nights of Navaratri, depending on one’s calendar, and our thoughts now turn to Saraswathi, the Goddess of Speech, the Arts and Literature.

It is funny that the most popular poojas and havans or yagnyas within Hindu communities are those to Ganesha (to remove obstacles toward an achievement, goal or event) and Lakshmi (for attracting wealth), yet little thought is given to Saraswathi Devi. Where does the inspiration come from for business? Who guides you through an interview to land that dream job? Where does creative inspiration come from? Nowhere but the great Saraswathi.

Society may have it all wrong…!

Michaelangelo: guided by the hand of God

There is a tremendously inspiring story of what happened at the unveiling of the statue of David, by Michaelangelo. For those who aren’t familiar with the statue of David, it is an 17 foot tall sculpture of a scene from the Christian Bible. David is the one who slew Goliath with nothing but his wits and his slingshot.

Michaelangelo carved the statue from a single piece of marble over a period of 4 years. When it was unveiled, the crowd was silent with wonder. Some cried tears of joy at such a profound vision.

They asked him: “How did you carve something so beautiful from just one piece of marble?”

The master sculpture replied: “David was already in there…I just chipped away the excess!”

Mastery of the Creative Spirit

It is difficult to believe something so incredible is the work of a mere man. Some believe Michaelangelo’s work was guided by the hand of God. This is the key to understanding the power of  Goddess Saraswathi.   Worship her to gain mastery over all studious pursuits, creative arts and skills.

An article with mantras to Saraswathi can be found on a prior post by clicking here.

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Navaratri 2011: Make your Life Shine! Worship Surya through Gayatri

Illuminate your Life - pray to the Sun

Sun worship is not primitive

Sun worship is as old as time. From the very origins of mankind, people realised that the Sun is the controlling and sustaining principal on planet Earth.

Worshipping the Sun is by no means a primitive technology. The Sun emits a multitude of rays; some seen, but the majority of which lie well beyond the visual spectrum of humans – beyond infrared and ultraviolet.

More than light

Beyond these still are the spiritual rays of illumination emitted by the being powering the sun itself. Although this is a crude metaphor, the point is the Sun embodies the very spirit of the Paramatma (The Supreme Soul).

How so? To understand this, we must ask – what is Godliness? Giving and never taking back, unconditionally nourishing and lighting the path for all of us perhaps? Is that not exactly what the Sun does daily for us?

Let us give thanks

The deity behind the Solar disc has many levels of interaction with humans. We have already covered the physical attributes (warms our bodies and the earth plane, lights our path during the day, illuminates our night by reflection off the moon etc) and the highest level (Paramatma) , but there are many gradients in between.

In puranic lore, and indeed the Mahabharata, the Sun appears as one of the Devas. In the Ramayana interestingly, He is worshipped as so much more! One can search the term ‘Aditya Hrudayam’ to read about, hear and understand the prayer that Rishi Agastya initiated Rama into to help him bring the battle with Ravana to a gripping finalé.  I would recommend this site: http://www.agasthiar.org/a/ah.htm (click here to access).

Drink in the attributes of the Sun!

The Gayatri Maha Mantra is the supreme salutation of the Sun. It is said that one who fully understands the 24 syllables of the Gayatri mantra is on par with the Brahmarishis (The highest classification of Rishi, or holy person, in Hindu cosmology).

One such attribute is the ability to shine. Not just in physical terms (although this is also possible as one of the siddhis of the Gayatri Maha Mantra is to control prana and cause a physical glow or tejas to appear around oneself), but also in terms of your speech, actions and thought.

Navaratri is the ideal time to start chanting the Gayatri 

The essence, embodiment and energy or shakti (power) behind the Gayatri Maha Mantra is the Goddess Gayatri. Worshipping the Divine Feminine over Navaratri is conducive to multiples of mantra japa over any other part of the year.

Give yourself this gift and start chanting today!

Also see my recent post on how to Supercharge any other mantra (over Navaratri or any other time) with the Gayatri – click here.

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Today is Friday! T.D.I.F!!

Thank God its Friday! Or as I like to say - Thank Devi Its Friday! (TDIF!)

Today is Friday!! What does Friday mean to you?

The end of the week is finally here! What does Friday mean to you? No more work (for some of us!)? Time with the family? A weekend getaway?

I personally love Friday. It is a prime day for Devi Worship. Moreover, during Navaratri, our prayers are amplified by magnitudes we cannot comprehend – don’t miss out on this opportunity!  – T.D.I.F. (Thank Devi It’s Friday!)

How to Pray:

Prior posts have covered a multitude of mantras and sadhanas for all but today’s focus is Lakshmi.

Fridays are incredibly auspicious for Lakshmi, the Goddess of Abundance and Wealth. I would greatly recommend the following courses of action – whether you need to fix something lacking in your life, out of pure devotion or as part of a larger Navaratri routine, these two technologies are incredibly effective at pushing you toward your goals:

1. Lakshmi Gayatri mantra

2. Shreem mantra

See my associated posts by clicking on the links above. I would also highlight my articles on how to make your prayers heard even faster – click here to see my post on Super-charging your ability to attract abundance.

Don’t miss the incredible opportunity that is Navaratri!

Follow me on Twitter @MantraYogi.