Tag Archive | Desire

Vashikaran Mantras and the Siddhi of Inception (Part 2)

Magnetise your personality to attract friends and influence people through mantra

Ignore the hype, here’s the review

In the first part of the series, we looked at the potential for inception through mantra. You can read the first part by clicking here if you did not have a chance to do so already, or wish to refresh your memory on the debate.

The general conclusion of the post was that having a limited degree of mental control over someone is possible – as clearly demonstrated by the practice of hypnotherapy – but doing so through mantra is highly unlikely, even if you had a ‘genuine’ mantra and attained siddhi (perfected the technique) due to the presence of individuals’ free will.

The Sequel!

A more interesting and plausible idea is that anyone can influence those around them in a positive manner through a personality transformation.

What does this mean? The answer is simple and within everyone’s frame of reference. Haven’t we all met a person in our lives who was so charismatic, who held everyone’s attention perfectly, who spoke beautifully, articulately and intelligently to captivate an audience? I am sure we all know someone like this – be it our favourite school teacher, a great spiritual Master, or great political/military leader. Why can’t we be more like our role models?

A new story: change yourself to change the world

In this regard, the answer is: there is no reason why we cannot. The idea of ‘leading from the front’ – ie by example – is an age-old concept. If you can think of no other, one example is known to all  – the great Mahatma Gandhi, who led India out of British Rule by setting a firm and clear example of non-violent protest through his own actions.

The methods of how we can change ourselves through mantra are outlined below.

Mantra transformation

One can affect a great transformation – spiritual and otherwise through the use of mantra. Chanting certain mantras can have a deep conscious and sub-conscious effect on our psyche to enact incremental positive changes which over time build up and transform us completely.

The transformations considered are: character, speech, mental strength and action. These four concepts are the cornerstones of great personalities.

Here are the mantras to gain such benefits:

    1. Character: Worship Hanuman and Rama to understand and become the ideal personality. Click here to read my prior articles on improving one’s character and another article on writing Rama nama.
    2. Speech: Worship Saraswathy to master the art of articulation – click hear to see a powerful mantra.
    3. Mental Strength: Worship Ganesha and Narasimha to improve mental control and increase determination to achieve anything. Click to see Ganesha’s gayatri mantra and here to see the Narasimha Gayatri.
    4. Action: Thoughts are meaningless within firm action to drive them into reality. Click here to read a post on worshipping Skanda.

Those who are serious and wish to undergo a full effective change in their personalities should attempt at least an anusthan of each mantra to see real differences.

Click here to read the first article in the series on Vashikaran mantras if you missed it.

Follow me on Twitter: @MantraYogi


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Vashikaran Mantras and the Siddhi of Inception (Part 1)

Can Inception be Performed Using Mantras...?

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”, John Lennon

The Concept: Mindbending manipulation!

Most of us have seen the film  INCEPTION the ground-breaking sci-fi thriller. The incredible central concept of the film is that one can implant an idea into a persons mind through careful manipulation of their mental state.

The idea makes for a compelling Hollywood blockbuster, but could ever it be a reality? There are those who practice Tantra who claim that such powers (siddhis) are indeed real and it is possible to manipulate another’s mind if you know the right mantra.

The Science: We use 4% of our brains…

The human mind is a complex and powerful device. It is not even fully understood yet, but science knows that even the most exemplary people use only a small portion of its incredible potential. Estimates put this threshold at 4%.

…mantras maybe engaging the remaining 96%

In this respect, one possible explanation for how mantras work within us – especially in bestowing siddhis – is that reciting certain tones over and over cause new synaptic links to form within the brain, tapping into the other 96% of charted brain matter. This allows a person to function at a supernormal levels of consciousness and manifest siddhis.

The Reality: So can Inception be performed?

Hypnotherapy – the art of drawing a patient into a state of semi-consciousness in which they are highly suggestive – is well known and recognised as a proven method of psychotherapy. Whilst the  vast majority of practitioners help those with mental ailments – such as amnesia or trying to overcome a past traumas – there is also a number who specialise in entertainment. They put on shows in which they hypnotise select volunteers within an audience to perform various humorous acts – and in doing so, exercise control over them.

Putting the two concepts together, it is plausible that some part of the brain may allow one to broadcast a powerful suggestive thought that could influence other minds. 

But wait – the Twist!

There is of course a critical part of the equation that we have not considered so far – individuals’ free will.

It is well known that hypnotherapy does not always work – even on those patients who willingly submit themselves to undergo hypnosis. Why? Because their minds are strong and cannot be easily swayed by external influence.

The Finale: Siddhi is beyond most people…?

Combining individuals strong will with the idea that it takes real dedication to develop siddhi of ANY mantra – let alone those to allow control – means its highly unlikely that the amateur mantra practitioner could ever successfully perform Vashikaran over another. So I implore those who find so-called ‘mind-control’ mantras through the internet, forums, chatrooms and blogs to not waste their time.

However – let me leave you with a ‘spinning top’ – much like in the finale of the film: mind control may be out of reach, but personality transformation certainly is not. Mantras can certainly be used to improve one’s energy, charisma, magnetism, strength of will, physical appearance and even charm. If you want to be able to ‘make friends and influence people’ – shape your personality and let people make up their own minds about you!

Click here to read the second part of this series featuring mantras 


Follow me on Twitter: @MantraYogi


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How to Attract Women: Part 2 – The Kamadeva Gayatri Mantra

Kick start your love life - get Divine aid from Kamadeva!

Divine intervention in Love

A natural extension of using the Kleem mantra, for those who feel more comfortable with envisioning a more tangible form of the Divine, is to invoke Kamadeva, the God of Love.

See my prior post on How to Attract Women – Part 1: The Kleem Mantra here  for more information. 

Kamadeva = Cupid

Kamadeva is the God of Love mentioned in the Vedas and a son of Brahma, the Divine Creator. He is the husband of Rati, the Goddess of Love. He is most akin to Cupid, of Western mythologies.

Kamadeva is most famously associated with Shiva. In Puranic lore, he was burned to ashes when he disturbed Shiva during meditation. See Wiki link here for more details.

The mantra

This is the most powerful mantra to invoke Kamadeva:


“Om Kaamadevaaya vidmahe
Pushpabaanaaya dhimahi
Tanno Ananga prachodayaat”


We see the God of Desire
We meditate on the flower-arrowed
May the non-corporeal one inspire us.” 


  • Spiritual help in attracting a soul mate or life partner
  • Greater sensitivity and awareness of others’ emotional needs, appreciation of one’s partner
  • A greater awareness of one’s own attractiveness and appearance



How to Detox with Mantra (3/3)

This is the third and final part of a multi-post article; click here for the first part. Click here for the second part.

Are you ready for Mantra Detox?

Mantra Detox! Part Trois.

In my prior posts on performing a spiritual detox with mantras, we established a theoretical framework as:

  1. Increase discipline and curb one’s desire for excess;
  2. Burn negative karma;
  3. Build character and Bhakti.

The first step was covered in the prior post as pursuing the blessings of Ganesha and Rama; the second was to pray to your chosen deity, or alternatively, use the Gayatri mantra to effect a karma burn.

Building character and Bhakti 

What is Bhakti? Many have written excellent articles and deep theses on such a broad topic. For the purposes for simplicity, we can take it to mean spiritual devotion. How is this developed? One can say that Bhakti is the third step of spritual advancement; the prior two being intellectual introspection and study (Jnana), and physical preparation (the well known concept of Yoga).

One method I have previously highlighted is prayer to the ultimate Bhakta – Hanuman (click here). To flesh out the detail, however, a classical point of reference is the 11 point step-by-step method revealed by Sri Ramanuja, the well-known Rishi, outlined below:

  1. Abhyasa or practice of continuous thinking of God;
  2. Viveka or discrimination;
  3. Vimoka or freedom from everything else and longing for God;
  4. Satyam or truthfulness;
  5. Arjavam or straightforwardness;
  6. Kriya or doing good to others;
  7. Kalyana or wishing well-being to all;
  8. Daya or compassion;
  9. Ahimsa or non-injury;
  10. Dana or charity; and
  11. Anavasada or cheerfulness and optimism.

Each step is a vast ocean of explanation unto itself; for the purposes of brevity, I will leave the reader to pursue his/her own research.

Mantras for Effecting the Transformation of Character

Character is one again Hanuman’s strong point (click here for prior post). There are other options, however, for example through the grace of Lakshmi. Lakshmi is a goddess traditionally associated with material wealth. Yet wealth does not stop at materiality; it subtends far further into the wealth of knowledge, wisdom, ability and of course, wealth of character. For what is the worth of wealth without the wisdom to spend it?

In a prior post, the Shreem mantra was proposed as a powerful method of attracting abundance through the grace of Lakshmi. One further method is the Lakshmi Gayatri; see my post here for the details.

With these broad strokes one should be able to establish a firm foundation for  development along the spiritual path once the poison of prior negative karmas and old useless thought patterns are shed.

Future posts will aim to elaborate on these points in more detail.

Comments and feedback are welcome. Follow me on Twitter @MantraYogi.

How to Detox with Mantra (2/3)

This is the second part of a multi-post article; click here for the first part.

Are you ready to Detox with Mantras?

Mantra Detox! Part Deux.

In my prior post on performing a spiritual detox with mantras, we established a theoretical framework as:

  1. Increase discipline and curb one’s desire for excess;
  2. Burn negative karma;
  3. Build character and Bhakti.

The first step was covered in the prior post as pursuing the blessings of Ganesha and Rama.

Burning Karma – the root cause of pre-destiny

For the second step, we look into how to remove the burden of Karma. Karma is a well known concept in both the Eastern and Western schools of thought. In the east, its specified as the multi-birth repercussions of actions in your past lives. In the West, it can be simplified to: “what goes around, comes around”.

Why is this important? An enlightened master once told me that bad karma puts you on the downward slope toward difficulty and pain. Your positive actions and willpower can help you resist gravity and prevent yourself from rolling down the hill; but it takes twice as much effort to move up the hill. In essence, removing the burden of negative karma, puts you back on a level playing ground to allow you to freely move toward your personal goals.

So let’s deal with it! Broadly speaking, one may say any good deed helps you burn karma (this idea is loosely what is known as Karma Yoga). An equally effective technology is Japa Yoga – the practise of chanting mantra – which we will deal with here.

Mantras to burn Karma

The process in itself is simple: choose a mantra and burn that Karma! The grace of any deity will ultimately allow you to achieve this. But some mantras are more effective than others for the simple reason that some deities are more powerful than others and some mantras are more powerful than others.

In this context, why not aim for the best? The two most powerful mantras from the Veda are the Gayatri Maha Mantra and the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. Their workings and meanings are complex, but suffice to say, they are well known to be the most universal and power means of destroying negative karma.

Reams have been written on both – a quick internet search will yield the methods, pronunciation and some beautiful commentaries. I will be summarising these soon in later posts.

Next article: Stage 3 – (Re)-building Character and Instilling Bhakti !

Until then, comments and feedback are welcome. Follow me on Twitter @MantraYogi.

How to Detox with Mantra (1/3)

Are you ready for Mantra Detox?

Material abundance is not a bad thing…but can easily be abused.

It is undoubted we live in a culture of excess. In the Western world, food, drink, drugs and material possessions are frequently consumed to the point of personal harm. Moreover, the exposure of youngsters and youth to such excess is increasing while role models are clearly lacking.

This is nothing new and I will save you the sermon! But the effect is clear. Consumption in excess causes our self-discipline to wane, selfishness to increase and ultimately causes us to wander from the spiritual path.

Mantra Detox!

For those who want to step back, regain some control over their lives and reduce the excess, I first propose a detox!

What is detox? It is the process of lowering the toxicity of one’s blood through: (1) preventing yourself from introducing more toxins into your system; (2) removing the remaining toxins; (3) introducing positive agents to nourish and strengthen you.

The spiritual aspirant can follow a similar path: (1) increase discipline and curb one’s desire for excess; (2) burn negative karma; (3) build character and Bhakti.

Stage 1 will be addressed in this article; stage 2 and 3 will follow in later posts.

Discipline is freedom

Discipline has many negative connotations in the West, such as tying oneself down to a routine, lacking creativity, and perhaps harsh judgement or treatment for those who cannot conform. However, for those that practise it, (borrowing heavily from Tony Robbins at this point…!) discipline is freedom: it means that when you tell yourself to do something, you have the focus and drive to get it done!

How to we improve our discipline? After millennia of contemplation, the Rishis (Seers, or more broadly, spiritual teachers) have instructed us that stilling our minds is the key first step.

Let’s keep this simple. Ganesha, the Lord of beginnings and the Mind addresses both requirements neatly.  Why? Simplistically, Ganesha’s vahana (mount or vehicle) is a rodent. A rodent is fast, unruly, mischievous and difficult to catch – this is a strong metaphor for the human mind. Worship of Ganesha, who has mounted the rodent, is mastery of the mind. See other articles on the symbolism behind the worship of Ganesha and a mantra here.  Once the mind is under control, your willpower increases and discipline improves.

What would Jesus do? What would Rama do?

Have you ever seen anyone wearing a bracelet which has the letters: “WWJD?” inscribed on it? I found out a while back that this means: “What Would Jesus Do?”. The point being, whenever one is unsure, seeing the words on your wrist lead you to look to the life of inspirational spiritual teacher for guidance. I am sure that this incredible technology can be used by everyone – not just those of the Christian faith.

So how would one apply such a concept to the Hindu faith? Rama and Hanuman present excellent choices. Whilst Rama is widely recognised by most Hindus to be the Avatar of Vishnu, more generally, he can also be appreciated as the perfect man who followed the idea of Dharma (right conduct) to the letter and embodied its spirit, judging by the way he dealt with ever more difficult decisions throughout the epic Ramayana. Hanuman, in being the greatest bhakta (devotee) of Rama, symbolises the spiritual aspirant in all of us, striving for such perfection. Praying to Hanuman helps us to have the courage to do what we known deep inside is the right thing, and the perfect complement to the worship of Ganesha to this degree. I have just posted a mantra for Hanuman here.

Next article: Stage 2 – Burning Karma!

Until then, comments and feedback are welcome. Follow me on Twitter @MantraYogi.